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Are your drone operators licensed?

Yes all our operators, pilots and spotters are licensed with the CAA


Have all your drone operators been trained?

Yes all drone operator that work for Drone Services U.K have passed their PfCO


How much experience do your drone pilots have?

All our pilots have a minimum of 2 years flying experience and regularly log a minimum of 15 hours flying time every quarter.


Are your drone operators hobbyists?

No. They are expert engineers, technicians or modellers who now carry out their work using drone technology, as it is now the way forward in his industry.


Why should I use a drone service?

It is now the most efficient way of doing surveys in most fields. It saves time, money and is more accurate when compared to traditional methods.


How does drone surveying benefit me?

Usually you would ask for a manual traffic count, or topographic survey, as an example. Now these can be completed using a drone. Quicker and with better editing and evidenced based data.


Can I save using scaffold or a cherry picker?

Absolutely. No need to use those any more. All inspections, and surveys can be carried out with a drone. It is safer, less time consuming and will save you a lot of fees.


How will I know you will provide good data or visuals?

You can log in live to the survey (or attend site if you prefer) and see the survey happening in real time. You can also input your thoughts and directions, should you wish at the time.


How will I know my project will be safely surveyed?

We will carry out a full risk assessment and method statement for mode of woking and agree it with you and other relevant parties, prior to commencing the work.


How will I know the survey was completed?

Our pilot, on site, will ask a representative or witness to sign a completion certificate once they are happy everything has been completed.


Are you and your operators insured?

Yes. Fully. And we operate under an OSC.


What type of drone or equipment do you use?

It depends on what you need us to do. We always use the most appropriate drone and camera/scanner for the job in hand.


How will I know the drone operator is the right person for the job?

We will discuss who the drone operator will be and what their skills and qualifications are before you agree the work. We would never use a building inspector to carry out a traffic survey, for example.


Can I use drones for my project?

Call us, email us, or fill in our form, and we can advise you straight away.

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