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Anything you did manually, can be done better, quicker and safer using a drone on site. Traffic flows, models and origin/destination assessments can easily be carried out using drone technology. Surveys for well over 24 hours are easily completed. 


We can use live data capture that can pixelate facial features and registration plates.


Highway assessments and road condition surveys are the best cost-saving exercise or drone use. Minimal traffic management and obstruction to the highway is required to complete a full drone survey.

Highway Assessments & Maintenance


Condition assessments and durability the highway can be undertaken by drone technology.


Thermal imaging can predict pothole or localised failures of the carriageway surface and sub-surface, allowing you to plan your maintenance more accurately and reduce the cost of resurfacing or overlaying.


Visual and video data capture, with live feed to you ensures you can assess road markings at a quicker, cheaper and more accurate information capture than ever before.


Allowing you to budget and plan your maintenance works saving you time, money and man-hours.


Ask us for more details.

London site
Road Construction

Live Highway Checks


Ponding and contour checks can be carried out with a simple single fly-over the section of the road or structure.


Saving you the need to close the highway to vehicular traffic, you can either allow the road to remain open, or close it for no more than two to five minutes.


Reducing the impact on commuter and public at large. 


Find out how.

Traffic Modelling & Flow Data


Traffic and pedestrian count data, origin/destination assessments and speed & directional flow data and counting. Anything a traditional manual survey or CCTV/ANPR survey can do, can be completed better using a drone.


Full live data capture, live streaming. Record video and stills. 


You can communicate with the surveyor live on site from the warmth of your office.


Any facial features or vehicle data can be obscured at source.


Ask us how.

Bridge deck
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